Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Lesson Planning- Week #5

Image result for lesson plan meme

I always get a little nervous when I start making lesson plans or unit plans, but once I am on a roll, I enjoy the process. I think it will be easier to lesson plan when I have a team of teachers who are teaching the same grade level and are in the same school as I am in. I've also learned that I can become overwhelmed when looking online for ideas. Pinterest, Teachers Pay Teachers and are just some of the resources that I have looked at, but wow, are there a lot of ideas! It's wonderful to have so many resources available, but I find that I keep coming up with different ideas as I look. Sometimes too many options are not good! I feel pretty good about the unit plan and lesson plans I am creating for this class. I still have a couple left to do, but will get those knocked out soon.  Like anything in life, the more I create lesson plans, the more comfortable I will become!


  1. I also think that lesson plan can be a little overwhelming! I think that I have come along way the more that I do them. I think having a team when we are actually teachers will be very helpful! Teachers pay teachers is one of my favorite resources I really like using this to plan my lessons.

  2. I also enjoy creating lesson plans. For me it can seem a bit overwhelming when there is a large unit but the end result always ends up being a lesson that kids I think will really enjoy.
